How To Uncover & Leverage Your School’s True Differentiators

Every school has at least one — or sometimes many — noteworthy things that they like to highlight and feature when marketing to prospective parents. That thing is often the deciding factor for families choosing a potential new school for their kids — and it can affect or influence so much more, from parents’ loyalty to community reputation to advancement and alumni relations to hiring, and so much more.

In today’s market, we see that many schools are putting forward the same or similar messaging, claiming to have the best faculty or the best programs. However, if many schools use those as their unique differentiators, they stop seeming truly different and blend in with their many competitors. We want to encourage your school to get real about what your unique advantages and differences are (you can’t ALL have the very best basketball program… that’s not how math works).

Curious about learning how to uncover your school’s differentiators? Continue reading by clicking the link below.

Metric Marketing

At Metric Marketing, we develop measurable and practical strategies to help private and independent schools like yours to make the most of your marketing efforts. We'd love to discuss your private school's marketing requirements with you. Contact us today to speak with our marketing professionals or