4 Ways to Use Your Organization’s History
Did you know that stories are remembered up to 22x more than facts alone? Historical documents serve as more than just records of the past — they are valuable assets that allow nearly all organizations — especially educational institutions — to share vibrant stories that build communities and connect with others. Telling authentic stories about […]
10 Fresh Ways To Talk About Academic Rigor
Nearly 100% of the private schools we talk to tell us about their excellent academic programs (as we’d hope!). But if every school tells us that their academic offerings are what sets them apart… and conventional marketing wisdom advises not talking about aspects of your product or service that are “table stakes” in the market… […]
Discussing the Independent School Cost-Per-Enrollment Study
Catch Metric’s Kevin MacNeil on the InspirED SparkCast, discussing the EMA & NAIS Cost Per Enrollment Study – and what private school marketers can do with the study’s findings and insights. Throughout this 43 minute episode, Kevin and InspirED’s Rob Norman cover wide-ranging topics and insights including: Historical marketing budgets vs. mathematical ones What kind […]
The Huddle: Healthy Leadership Teams and Board Effectiveness
Tyler Casertano, Head of School at The Haverford School (PA), will share his proven strategies for fostering strong, positive relationships between leadership teams and boards. Drawing from experiences with his morning stand-ups, leadership retreats, and value-driven goal alignment, Tyler has developed a thoughtful framework for enhancing communication and collaboration within his leadership team. These practices […]
The Huddle: Conducting an Internal Team Assessment
After a decade at The Frederick Gunn School (CT), Sean Brown recently relocated to southeast Florida to become the Chief Advancement Officer at Saint Andrew’s School in July. With 20+ years of fundraising experience at independent schools and universities, Sean has worked in a variety of fundraising shops and witnessed several leadership transitions. In this […]
How to Preserve History of Private & Independent Schools
In this webinar recording, the experts at HistoryIT share best practices for physical and digital preservation — addressing both short- and long-term needs. Gain actionable insights and storytelling strategies. Details: Your history lives in the priceless and irreplaceable yearbooks, correspondence, albums, memorabilia and more. Natural disasters, fires and broken or leaky pipes all put those […]
How We Illuminated a School’s True Differentiators
How do you highlight your school’s strengths? Learn how we leveraged the powerful visual metaphor of illumination to shine a spotlight on the unique, personal experience William Penn Charter School offers each student.
4 Simple Ways to Elevate Your School’s Social Listening Strategy
Digital conversations are happening constantly – on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more. It can feel like noise when your plate is already so full, but these conversations can offer invaluable insight to help you better understand your audience, analyze your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy to stand out from your competitors. In […]
Boarding’s Back: Capitalize on a Growing Trend Toward Private School Boarding Program Enrollment
Level up your boarding program marketing this year – and meet interested families where they’re at with messaging that connects and converts. Our friends at NAIS recently shared a snapshot survey of member-school admission officers – and the emerging trends about the 2024-2025 school year were illuminating (in our humble nerdy opinion). 45% of NAIS […]
The Huddle: Elevating Your Major Gift Program
The Huddle: Elevating Your Major Gift Program Thursday, October 17, 2024 Time: 2:00 pm EST Cost: FREE Join Shelby LaMar, Chief Advancement Officer at Lancaster Country Day School (LCDS) in Pennsylvania to learn how to build a thriving major gifts program at your school. Shelby is currently in his sixteenth year at LCDS, where annual […]
The Huddle: What’s Your Process for Selecting Mission-Aligned Consultants & Vendors?
The Huddle: What’s Your Process for Selecting Mission-Aligned Consultants & Vendors? Wednesday, November 13, 2024 2:00 pm EST FREE The Huddle will be recorded and shared with all registrants. From strategic planning to food service, fundraising counsel to bus service, independent schools engage consultants and vendors annually to support mission delivery. Join Rose Helm, Head […]
How to Effectively Market Your School’s Community
If you’re like most schools we talk to, your community is your heartbeat. It’s also one of the main reasons families might choose your school over any other — or why they walk away. Here’s how to highlight your community as your key differentiator.