Operations Planning Toolkit for Safe-Distance Learning at Independent Schools

As our nation progresses through the various stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, we know how important in-person learning is for our children and young adults. We understand that your administration is currently preparing an operations plan for re-entry to campus this fall. The SLAM Education Studio has developed a comprehensive, complimentary toolkit to assist your team in taking the first steps in the process.

The toolkit is designed to help you determine each building’s capacity when implementing ‘safe-distanced’ learning. We have analyzed a variety of school buildings from grades K through 12 that are traditional or 21st century facilities. We studied a broad spectrum of concerns that include when a 7’-0” diameter (giving some appropriate flexibility from the 6’ – 0” recommended spacing), student ‘bubble’ for each seat is implemented and what that new capacity will be per classroom. Other critical topics and strategies in the toolkit include:

• School Arrival & Access – from campus traffic organization through access to outdoor learning spaces
• Health Services – isolation room and satellite nurse’s station

We are available for any questions or guidance in how to use the toolkit

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

The S/L/A/M Collaborative is a national multi-disciplinary design firm offering architecture, programming/planning, interior design, landscape architecture, site planning, structural engineering, pre-construction, with construction services offered throughout the New England region.