Boost Your School’s Presence: Top 5 Viral Trends on TikTok and Reels
Imagine that you had the opportunity to reach thousands of students and get them talking about your school to each other – this is your chance to try TikTok. It’s the go-to platform for connecting directly with Gen Z (your prospective middle and high school students) and millennials (your prospective parents). Let’s dive into five […]
Growing Your School Through Data and Advertising
We recently partnered with our friends at AISAP on a new webinar presented by Kevin MacNeil (Metric Partner & CAO). In one hour, we shared insights and experience from our work with schools across the US and Canada – and attendees walked away with actionable ideas to help grow their schools using better data for […]
How To Uncover & Leverage Your School’s True Differentiators
Every school has at least one — or sometimes many — noteworthy things that they like to highlight and feature when marketing to prospective parents. That thing is often the deciding factor for families choosing a potential new school for their kids — and it can affect or influence so much more, from parents’ loyalty […]
Can SMS Be The Game-Changer Your Admissions Funnel Needs?
Navigating private or independent school admissions can feel like chasing a moving target. With families bombarded by choices and information, it’s tough for schools to capture their attention. Traditional methods like emails often go unopened, and direct mailers are lost in the shuffle. Schools need a more direct, engaging approach to connect with prospective families. […]
5 Things to Consider as You Set Up Your Classroom This Year
The way in which you set up your classroom space can affect both you and your students. Here are some tips to ensure everyone is set up for success.
Thinking Outside the Inbox: Email Management
If you have never despaired at the state of your email inbox or felt that reading and replying to email consumes an inordinate amount of your time then, please, feel free to skip this article. If, however, you’re among the other 99% of school leaders, read on!
Changing Minds: The Science Behind Conversions
Take a deep dive into the specific stages all prospective families must go through before they convert. Learn strategies to proactively guide their digital journey with the right content, objectives, measurements, and technologies.
Mentoring Program for Heads of School in their First Three Years
Now that you are a Head of School, do you secretly wonder what you are supposed to do? With The Gowan Group Heads POD (“Peer Open Dialog”) program, you will be joining a cohort of eight to ten new heads led by an experienced Head of School who will guide you through the challenges of […]
10 Questions to Answer Before You Work with A Search Firm
How do you know when you’re ready to work with a search firm? Jennifer Fleischer, Senior Talent Consultant at DRG Talent outlines ten key questions to prep for your search firm endeavors.
Death by Interview
One of the most frequent questions I get from clients when hiring a new CEO is: How do we structure the interview process so that we will really know if they are “the one?” The first part of my answer is always: please do not engage in the process of “death by interview. “ Everyone […]
E-book: Digital & Social Media Marketing Musts
Timely tips and techniques schools need now to create strategic, effective digital and social media marketing campaigns, written by Kalix Marketing’s digital and social media experts.
Why wait to reach new heights of leadership? Attend The Azure Summit, the only offering of its kind for Heads of School.
The Azure Summit is a Marts&Lundy annual conference designed to prepare Heads of School and aspiring Heads to connect mission, vision and philanthropy. We’ll answer these questions: • How do you plan for and execute a campaign? • What is the Head’s role in fundraising? • What should you expect from your chief advancement officer? […]