Scattered student data? Discover the benefits of a student data insights platform.
A student data insights platform brings critical whole-child data together in one location. A platform’s power is in its ability to unify teacher and leader responses using a district’s student information system, preferred assessments, and interventions. Discover the benefits.
Independent Governance in a Post-Pandemic Era
As we ease out of the pandemic, independent school governance needs a thoughtful and conscious reset. Here’s why. Senior Consultant Peter O’Neill shares his insight.
How to write an RFP for a Head of School search
If you are putting together a search process for a Head of School search or Superintendent of Schools search, Tradition recommends that you create and distribute a Request for Proposals (RFP). Here’s a brief guide for how it should be done.
Better Landing Pages for Increased Engagement
Your event landing pages need to entice and engage prospects. Learn how to craft a landing page that gets noticed and generates leads.
What Our Heads Survey Tells Us About School Leadership in 2022
For the past six years, we have surveyed new heads of school — both those new to the role and those at a new school — asking about their challenges, needs, and concerns. What do our most recent results indicate? In this article, CS&A Senior Consultant Ann Teaff outlines key findings regarding coaching, COVID-19, support […]
NYSAIS: From CTA to KPI to ROI – How to be the MVP of your Marketing Team
Metric Marketing & Lycée Français De New York speak at the 2022 NYSAIS Institutional Advancement Conference at Mohonk Mountain House in New York: How to use data to know what is working and what is not. https://metricmarketing.ca/private-schools-marketing-experts/
Creating Content for Busy Communications Teams
Finding and writing great content can be challenging for overextended Communications teams. Read more for simple, manageable solutions to tell your school’s story.
Data Driven Decisions – Lessons Learned Through the Pandemic
A HOS and admissions director speak to how Metric Marketing use customized data to make a difference. “Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School and St. John’s-Kilmarnock School – together with Metric Marketing – will share their learnings around growing enrolment through the pandemic. Learn through real world examples how two respected and successful schools in different markets strategically grew […]
Free DEI Professional Development Event: 2022 Virtual FORUM/Diversity
You’re invited to a free weeklong PD event centered on diversity and inclusion in our schools. Join us January 24-28 for more than 20 live sessions, videos, live discussions, networking, and more.
Do you know any overwhelmed educators?
Coaching for educators is not another PD seminar. It’s ongoing support through a designed alliance with your coach scheduled when it’s convenient for you. Book a discovery session today to learn how coaching can help you move beyond overwhelm and get fired up about your work and live again. I love independent schools because they […]
Are you ready to lead your school’s philanthropy?
As Head of School, your vision inspires action. Imagine where your leadership could take your school if fueled with increased philanthropy? The Azure Summit is a Marts&Lundy annual conference designed to prepare Heads of School and aspiring Heads to connect mission, vision and philanthropy. We’ll answer these questions: * How do you plan for and […]
Why the Increase in Head of School Turnover?
A longtime former head of school shares his perspective on why so many heads are leaving their positions – and what strategies can help retain them. Read more in our latest blog post.