Financial Services
How to Create a Terrific Case for Support
One of the pillars of an effective fundraising campaign is your school’s Case for Support. The Case for Support communicates with donors and prospects, and begins the process of matching their values and interests with your school’s mission and guiding principles. Here’s how to create a terrific Case for Support. The Case for Support should […]
SBA Necessity Questionnaire Released for Borrowers with PPP Loans Over $2,000,000
In what is likely the first step in the audit process for borrowers that received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans more than $2,000,000 (including affiliates), the SBA has developed a questionnaire for both for-profit and non-profit borrowers which was released on Thursday, October 29, 2020. This questionnaire will be used to “facilitate the collection” of […]
Here’s What You Need to Know If You Experienced a Fall Admission Bump
ISM Consultants have worked with many school Admission and Marketing Directors who enjoyed surprising spikes in inquiries and applications during the late 2020 summer months. And, while this may seem like encouraging news, we caution against premature excitement. Keep in mind the bump in enrollment may come from families who are not aligned with your […]
Six Ways to Use Your “Guide to Giving and Getting Involved” During and After COVID-19
Many schools are engaged in all or partial distance learning. This does not reduce the need for volunteer or philanthropic support. In fact, it is critical to remind parents your school must be sustained through the commitment of time and money from its friends. ISM recommends creating and using a “Guide to Giving and Getting […]
Teachers Weigh In on the Best Distance Learning Approaches
This article is a compilation of research and data from an ISM survey of over 1,000 teachers conducted over the 2020 spring and summer. The rapid shift to distance learning left the majority of teachers and school leaders dealing with impossible tasks. In retrospect, teachers reported one of the biggest mistakes was trying to recreate […]
Inbound and Outbound Marketing Strategies That Work
Inbound marketing involves sharing relevant and meaningful information that answers the needs of your community. You can share information by publishing it on your blog, on social media, or through digital marketing tactics such as social and display ads. The key to effective inbound marketing is creating a lead magnet. Two examples of tools you […]
Should Your School Purchase Email Lists?
As a marketing leader, a primary goal is sharing your school’s message with your community. While you already have an email list of former and current families, you are always looking for ways to expand your reach and drive interest in your school. Schools ask us if they should purchase email marketing lists of prospective […]
E-Rate – Answers to your Questions
Private non-profit schools providing education to school-age children (K to 12) and Head Start programs are entitled to specific discounts for telecommunication and internet services and related equipment under the Federal E-Rate program. These funds are not given directly to schools, but instead, the school’s vendors provide them with discounts to schools and then seek […]
NYPMIFA – Are You Compliant?
Enrollment at many private schools has seen a downturn, forcing schools to become more aggressive with their scholarship programs. In order to still have the necessary cash flow, many schools have established endowments to help fund these scholarships. While this can help to close the gap in funding created by more aggressive scholarship programs, it […]
COVID School Management Solutions Webinar
Register for our webinar (and watch it live or on-demand at your convenience) to explore how FACTS supports your school’s COVID-19 management efforts. The webinar explores how your school can use FACTS to support COVID-19 management efforts during in-person, fully-remote, or hybrid semesters. We’ll cover features that allow you to easily communicate with families, track […]
The Politicization of Boards on Re-opening our Schools
As the COVID-19 crisis continues into the fall, boards of independent and international schools worldwide are splintering over the issue of how and when to re-open our schools. Boards dominated by current parents are straying into the realm of operations as some members bring their personal experiences and biases to the board room. Heads of […]
Re-envisioning Your Applicant’s Journey (Part 1): Top of Funnel Strategies
“Veracross and the Enrollment Management Association partner to discuss new strategies as your department responds to the challenges created by COVID-19. This is part 1 of a four part “”Re-envisioning Your Applicant’s Journey”” webinar series. Whether you are pivoting to online instruction in the fall or you are reopening campus under social distancing guidelines, this […]