The Politicization of Boards on Re-opening our Schools

As the COVID-19 crisis continues into the fall, boards of independent and international schools worldwide are splintering over the issue of how and when to re-open our schools. Boards dominated by current parents are straying into the realm of operations as some members bring their personal experiences and biases to the board room. Heads of schools and administrators are becoming frustrated by board members’ intrusion into their turf.
What Principles of Good Practice are especially critical now? This article will describe how boards and heads of school can move in lock-step to re-open schools safely for students, their families and faculty and staff during this challenging time.

Littleford & Associates

Littleford & Associates consults in the following areas: board governance, strategic planning, head and staff compensation/evaluation/benefits, marketing, financial sustainability studies, developing profit centers, fund raising, school climate, executive searches, and mentoring/coaching both heads