Diversity and Inclusion
Data Driven Decisions – Lessons Learned Through the Pandemic
A HOS and admissions director speak to how Metric Marketing use customized data to make a difference. “Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School and St. John’s-Kilmarnock School – together with Metric Marketing – will share their learnings around growing enrolment through the pandemic. Learn through real world examples how two respected and successful schools in different markets strategically grew […]
Free DEI Professional Development Event: 2022 Virtual FORUM/Diversity
You’re invited to a free weeklong PD event centered on diversity and inclusion in our schools. Join us January 24-28 for more than 20 live sessions, videos, live discussions, networking, and more.
Pollyanna Position Paper III: Centering Student Voices in Antiracist School Transformation
This Position Paper shares feedback, advice, and recommendations for Heads of Schools directly from students on creating antiracist school communities. The recommendations in this paper were aggregated from a survey of students across the country and are broken down into clearly discernible segments for creating more racially just schools: Listening and Learning; Actions: Reforming Training, […]
Why the Increase in Head of School Turnover?
A longtime former head of school shares his perspective on why so many heads are leaving their positions – and what strategies can help retain them. Read more in our latest blog post.
Pollyanna Position Paper II: Communicating through Change
This report offers advice from independent school Communications Directors to help Heads of School develop communications strategies that authentically reflect the needs of the school community.
Promoting a Gender-Inclusive Hiring Process
Recent conversations in the world of international schools have centered on the low percentage of female heads of school. How does Carney Sandoe work to combat this trend? Read this latest blog post from members of our International Schools Practice.
Leadership Attention for Faculty Retention
Schools are losing teachers at higher rates than ever before. As the teaching profession faces challenges, how can schools keep teachers in the classroom? In this article, we take a look at strategies school leadership teams can employ to improve teacher retention.
Register Now for the 2021 Women’s (Re)Institute
A monthlong professional development event for women in education. After the unbelievable success of our virtual event last year, we are excited to announce the return of the Women’s (Re)Institute for 2021. A virtual spinoff of our annual in-person event, the Women’s (Re)Institute is a dynamic monthlong online learning and networking experience dedicated to supporting […]
Pollyanna Position Paper I: Advocating for Equity During and After a Pandemic
This Position Paper offers wisdom, practical ideas, and concrete DEI recommendations for Heads of Schools and administrators on how to continue to advance equity initiatives during and after a pandemic. The recommendations in this paper were aggregated from a survey of over 100 DEI Directors and practitioners across the country.
The Boys’ Room is expanding beyond NYC!
The Boys’ Room is now expanding beyond NYC and we are excited about the opportunity to reach a broader audience of elementary school boys of color. We work very closely with DEI directors, educators and school counselors. Our young scholars come from a wide range of private schools and while schools do not participate in the […]
Five Tips for Writing Effective Volunteer Job Descriptions
Once you have published your Guide to Giving and Getting Involved and have identified your school’s volunteer needs, it is time to develop job descriptions for each position. Without job descriptions, you risk matching the wrong person to the job, misusing the volunteer’s time, and having no formal means of giving feedback and celebrating your […]
How to Adapt Your Enrollment Strategies for Millennial Parents
If marketing to millennials seems to be more difficult, you’re probably right. Not only do millennials have shorter attention spans, but they also have high expectations. Their generation expects your school to supply high-quality academics focusing on well-rounded students, organic lunches free of chemicals and not served on plastic products, comprehensive outdoor education and play, […]