Are you ready to lead your school’s philanthropy?

As Head of School, your vision inspires action. Imagine where your leadership could take your school if fueled with increased philanthropy?

The Azure Summit is a Marts&Lundy annual conference designed to prepare Heads of School and aspiring Heads to connect mission, vision and philanthropy.

We’ll answer these questions:

* How do you plan for and execute a campaign?
* What is the Head’s role in fundraising?
* What should you expect from your chief advancement officer?
* What is the role of the Chief Financial Officer in supporting advancement?
* What motivates donor behavior?
* How can you create strategies for engaging different prospects?
* How do your strategic priorities become campaign goals?
* When and how should you make the ask?
* How can you build confidence in your solicitation skills?
* How can you set priorities and make time for fundraising?

Marts & Lundy

Marts & Lundy consultants are immersed in the education landscape, providing strategic consulting to every type of school —established to newly founded, boarding to day.