Grade Level
Five Tips for Writing Effective Volunteer Job Descriptions
Once you have published your Guide to Giving and Getting Involved and have identified your school’s volunteer needs, it is time to develop job descriptions for each position. Without job descriptions, you risk matching the wrong person to the job, misusing the volunteer’s time, and having no formal means of giving feedback and celebrating your […]
How to Adapt Your Enrollment Strategies for Millennial Parents
If marketing to millennials seems to be more difficult, you’re probably right. Not only do millennials have shorter attention spans, but they also have high expectations. Their generation expects your school to supply high-quality academics focusing on well-rounded students, organic lunches free of chemicals and not served on plastic products, comprehensive outdoor education and play, […]
Boost Engagement and Build Community With Virtual Events
Hosting a community-building event in the wake of COVID-19 may seem like an impossible task, but building community is more important than ever in our current environment. Schoolwide community building helps connect students, parents, teachers, and leaders. These personal connections will foster new school traditions and promote a sense of purpose, inclusiveness, and responsibility. You […]
##SocialAdvent – The world’s biggest social media advent challenge for schools
After a rollercoaster of a year, we are delighted to launch this year’s #SocialAdvent! While holiday concerts might be on hold at some schools this year, #SocialAdvent certainly isn’t! The world’s biggest social media advent challenge for schools is back and bigger than ever. We have created 25 simple digital and social media challenges, exclusively […]
Four Steps for a Successful Marketing Communications Audit
Do you know which marketing tactics are working at your school and which ones require your attention? Find the answers with a marketing communications audit. ISM defines marketing communications as how your school develops messages and carries out integrated strategies. Your approach informs the way you promote your school values and nurture constituent relations—their commitment […]
How to Create a Terrific Case for Support
One of the pillars of an effective fundraising campaign is your school’s Case for Support. The Case for Support communicates with donors and prospects, and begins the process of matching their values and interests with your school’s mission and guiding principles. Here’s how to create a terrific Case for Support. The Case for Support should […]
SBA Necessity Questionnaire Released for Borrowers with PPP Loans Over $2,000,000
In what is likely the first step in the audit process for borrowers that received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans more than $2,000,000 (including affiliates), the SBA has developed a questionnaire for both for-profit and non-profit borrowers which was released on Thursday, October 29, 2020. This questionnaire will be used to “facilitate the collection” of […]
Are Your Fundraising Priorities Still Relevant? A Marts & Lundy Perspective
There is no shortage of questions about how to proceed with fundraising in a climate that is unlike anything we have previously experienced, given the simultaneous public health, economic, political, racial inequality and civil unrest crises. And one question Marts & Lundy believes should be top of mind for CAOs, CEOs and board leadership: Are […]
Faculty Morale in a Challenging Year
A simple question recently ignited a torrent of responses: What are schools doing to support faculty morale this fall? Independent school leaders responded with an outpouring of concern and sympathy for teachers. While some offered concrete steps schools can take to ease the burden teachers carry this fall, most respondents were also looking for answers […]
Here’s What You Need to Know If You Experienced a Fall Admission Bump
ISM Consultants have worked with many school Admission and Marketing Directors who enjoyed surprising spikes in inquiries and applications during the late 2020 summer months. And, while this may seem like encouraging news, we caution against premature excitement. Keep in mind the bump in enrollment may come from families who are not aligned with your […]
Six Ways to Use Your “Guide to Giving and Getting Involved” During and After COVID-19
Many schools are engaged in all or partial distance learning. This does not reduce the need for volunteer or philanthropic support. In fact, it is critical to remind parents your school must be sustained through the commitment of time and money from its friends. ISM recommends creating and using a “Guide to Giving and Getting […]
Teachers Weigh In on the Best Distance Learning Approaches
This article is a compilation of research and data from an ISM survey of over 1,000 teachers conducted over the 2020 spring and summer. The rapid shift to distance learning left the majority of teachers and school leaders dealing with impossible tasks. In retrospect, teachers reported one of the biggest mistakes was trying to recreate […]