Data Driven Decisions – Lessons Learned Through the Pandemic
A HOS and admissions director speak to how Metric Marketing use customized data to make a difference. “Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School and St. John’s-Kilmarnock School – together with Metric Marketing – will share their learnings around growing enrolment through the pandemic. Learn through real world examples how two respected and successful schools in different markets strategically grew […]
Free DEI Professional Development Event: 2022 Virtual FORUM/Diversity
You’re invited to a free weeklong PD event centered on diversity and inclusion in our schools. Join us January 24-28 for more than 20 live sessions, videos, live discussions, networking, and more.
Pollyanna Position Paper III: Centering Student Voices in Antiracist School Transformation
This Position Paper shares feedback, advice, and recommendations for Heads of Schools directly from students on creating antiracist school communities. The recommendations in this paper were aggregated from a survey of students across the country and are broken down into clearly discernible segments for creating more racially just schools: Listening and Learning; Actions: Reforming Training, […]
Healthy school fundraisers raise much-needed funds for schools while simultaneously offering students the chance to improve their lives in the process! Whether you are getting students active, teaching them lessons that build character, or bringing them together to strengthen community spirit, any time your school fundraiser can tap into all three of these benefits with […]
Do you know any overwhelmed educators?
Coaching for educators is not another PD seminar. It’s ongoing support through a designed alliance with your coach scheduled when it’s convenient for you. Book a discovery session today to learn how coaching can help you move beyond overwhelm and get fired up about your work and live again. I love independent schools because they […]
Finding Ways to Get Involved in Your PTA
I am a mother of two elementary-aged children, a CPA, an entrepreneur, and a mid-level executive at a Fortune 100 company. Like all parents, I have a lot on my plate. But one thing that’s important to me is involvement in my kids’ schools, and specifically, in the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). I have served […]
Closing the learning gap created by the pandemic with online tutoring
During a school year disrupted by the health crisis, many students have struggled to keep up with their studies. But the summer could provide an opportunity for students to catch up, and prevent gaps caused by the pandemic from turning into something bigger. Research shows that tutoring is one of the best ways to do […]
K-12 government funding for US schools and how it can be used
The federal government recently announced plans to significantly increase spending on K-12 school programs for the 2022 fiscal year. This is great news for LEA’s and schools, who need the government distributed title funds to support disadvantaged students, provide professional development opportunities for staff, and assist underperforming schools. There are five primary title funds: Title […]
How to choose between online tutoring vs in-person tutoring for your school
All schools have been affected by the global pandemic in a variety of ways. So many decisions come up within schools regarding online vs. in-person tutoring and questions about best practices and decisions. Is your school in the midst of considering your options for online vs in-person tutoring? One result of the pandemic is that […]
Meet the amazing online tutors at Skooli
Skooli would not be possible without our incredible team of online teachers. Our 24/7 online tutoring service is supported thanks to a diverse group of talented educators who are always ready to help students in need. From math tutors to English tutors, Skooli offers instant or pre-booked online tutoring for all subjects, anytime, anywhere. Since […]
Are you ready to lead your school’s philanthropy?
As Head of School, your vision inspires action. Imagine where your leadership could take your school if fueled with increased philanthropy? The Azure Summit is a Marts&Lundy annual conference designed to prepare Heads of School and aspiring Heads to connect mission, vision and philanthropy. We’ll answer these questions: * How do you plan for and […]
The role of parent teacher associations has long been to make every child’s potential a reality. This has been done in creative and awe-inspiring ways over the years by uniting parents and giving them a powerful voice to influence change that will improve the lives of all children.